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Google Adword Relevancy Update

       Web Site Management

Date Published: July 2004


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Google annoucement
Google have recently announced an update to their AdWords relevancy algorithm. The update has been made as part of Googles attempts to ensure that searchers receive the most relevant ads.

How does this affect the advertisers, Googles AdWord customers?

Broad-matched Keywords
Google states that "These changes will initially only affect broad-matched keywords." In practicle terms this means if you are selling small widgets but only bid on the keyword "widget," for broad-matching purposes your ad may not appear on search queries for large widgets. However, if small widgets are queried, your ad may be displayed even though you only bid on the widget keyword.

Exact Matches
The end result is likely to be that exact matches will have a higher relevancy result than broad matches - this make sense and is most likely to be what Google is aiming for. Therefore if you currently use broad-match as the main method of ad placement, Google suggests you will need to either optimise your ad-copy or refine the bids on keywords bidding. These suggestions come directly from Google.

Other advice from Google is as follows:
  1. Use multiword, specific keywords to remove singular and/or general keywords. You can use our Keyword Tool to refine your keywords.

  2. Create new Ad Groups specifically containing your targeted keywords in your ad headlines or text.

  3. Use keyword matching options to help weed out irrelevant searches. For ideas on negative keywords, look at the irrelevant results from our Keyword Tool as negative keywords.

  4. Use descriptive and specific ad text to highlight the relevancy of your ad.

  5. Delete poorly performing ads with low clickthrough rates (CTRs) to improve the CTR for your keywords and campaign.

  6. Use keywords in your ad text to attract users to your ad. Plus, if a user searches on a keyword that appears in your ad, the word will appear in bold.

  7. Review more tips on improving your CTR.

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