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Google Local Search

       Web Site Management

Date Published: June 2004


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The new buzz around the search engine optimisation world is Google Local Search. Whats it all about?

Google Local is designed to help Web users find LOCAL businesses by typing in not only the usual search term, but also a city name. How is this going to affect your web listing in natural Search Engine results?

UK businesses The short answer for all UK businesses is at the moment its not! Googles Local Search is currently restricted to US businesses only. However, they are bound to increase the same utilities to provide Local Search to global users, so its worth knowing how it operates and what it will do - so we in the UK can be pre-prepared!

Google Local operates on local US stores and businesses by searching the billions of pages it has indexed. This information is then compared with Yellow Pages information to locate the local resources Web users wish to access. Google Local also provides maps of the area and full directions can be provided by MapQuest.

Google Local is therefore extremely useful for both searchers and local businesses - as long as their sites are optimised for local searches. If a site is not optmised for Local Searches then some businesses could be missing out on a tremendous increase in local site visibility and traffic.

No immediate rush
So, its just as well to get your site ready, and ensure that you e site is listed first in the natural Local Search results when they become available in the UK. Theres no immediate rush - Google Local Search is still in Beta form in the US, but get it done now and Google will already have your local address information indexed correctly, and the rest will come...

If you would like to have your website looked at by us, then
contact us for more information.

You can look at the beta test of Google Local Search

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