Business Machines
Computers for Business Use
The focus of our Business Machines is space and speed;
enough space to store all of your business documents and business information,
combined with a powerful processor and enough memory to keep you running efficiently
in your day to day tasks.
All our business machines come installed either with Windows XP (Home or
Professional) or the operating system of your choice.
Business Builder
If you choose to have
Business Builder
installed and configured on any machine, then we will knock a huge 20% off
the normal price of the machine.
Our business machines are provided set up and ready to run for your business.
As standard, they will be pre-installed with your selected version of
the Windows® operating system, together with Microsoft Office 2003
Small Business Edition, Microsoft Internet Explorer, and Outlook
In addition, anti-virus software is ready installed, ensuring you of a
safe environment from the start.
Business Machines will be provided with a minimum Hard Drive size of
80Gb. This combined with 512Mb RAM and an AMD Athlon 2200+ XP Processor
will ensure that you have a machine powerful enough to fulfill all your
business tasks.
For machines that require networking, LAN connectivity will be provided
in either wired or wireless format. Please see our
networking information for more details.
Since we build our machines to your particular requirements, we can
adjust any area of specification to match your needs.
If you would like a price for a machine please contact us at
sales@itzbITs.co.uk, or
complete a PC Needs Questionnaire.
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