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These articles relate specifically to IT and Computer issues in reference to the small business.

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Recommended Chart Of Accounts Layout for the self employed
The Chart of Accounts enables us to view various elements of our business within groups, or entities. Our article "What is a Chart of Accounts" goes into further details about the uses and purposes of a Chart of Accounts in general. So, if we now know what a Chart of Accounts is for, what is the best setup of a Chart of Accounts for someone who is...

What is a Chart of Accounts
A Chart of Accounts (COA) is a way of showing a businessĀ“s financial information in such a way that it is possible to make good financial decisions based on the information that it shows. The COA will be made up of all the individual accounts that make up the overall accounts of a business. These individual accounts (or "pots") are the Nominal Codes....

Dell is calling XP Pro an Upgrade from Vista
As software providers and installers we naturally have to keep a close eye on what is happening within the IT industry as a whole to ensure that we are providing the best information to our customers. As part of this we have been keeping a close eye on Windows Vista and its stability. It is fair to say that for an entirely new build of Windows it is...

Invoices, Credits and Refunds explained.
This article is not designed to describe accounting practices such as double-entry bookkeeping, debtors accounts etc. It is aimed at someone who wants to gain an initial insight into what Invoices, Credits and Refunds are from the more practical point of running a business - how they help you to convey necessary information to your customers, and, almost...

What information do I need to include on an invoice?
An invoice is a legal financial document of which you have to keep records by law. Invoice layout and design can be used as part of your marketing and re-inforcement of your business brand i.e. by using your company colours, logo, etc. However, there is certain information that you must include on your invoices to meet the statutory requirements. The...

Software as a Service versus Traditional Software
As the infrastructure around the Internet has developed and improved and computing power has continued to increase, so it has allowed for a new generation of software. This has primarily come about because of the improvements in telecommunications speeds and the availability of broadband Internet to a large percentage of people. This article looks...

Business Management Software - FREE!
Business Management Software
We will soon be releasing a FREE version of Business Builder. Find out more about our limited free licences.

Contact Management
Prospect/Client Database
Maintain Client Relationships
Order Manager
Process and Track Client Orders
Raise Invoices/Chase Debts
Profit/Loss, VAT Returns and more...
Document Manager
Centralised document storage
Report Manager

"Business Builder™ offers you a saving of time and money providing you with a cost-saving integrated business solution."

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