Invoice Management
Invoice Management isn't just about being able to produce an invoice with figures on it, and then print it out. Creating a document with the necessary items and their associated costs is just the start of the process.
Invoice Management involves the creation of an Invoice document, and should enable a user the flexibility to produce different invoice output for different needs. For example, it may be necessary to produce an Invoice displaying full details, including ALL the items that make up the total of the Invoice, or it may only be necessary to provide sectional totals, or perhaps just the bottom-line total.
Invoice Management should enable the user to be able to do this. In addition, the user should be given the flexibility to be able to provide the invoice to their client in whichever way the client prefers it, whether by normal mail, email, or perhaps faxed.
So you've created a client's invoice and sent it to them. Invoice Management software should provide the necessary tools to alter the invoice if required, produce credit notes or refunds, and to maintain all Invoices within a Sales Ledger.
Being able to locate invoices at a later date is essential to allowing a business to run quickly and efficiently. Invoice Management software should therefore enable a user to locate an Invoice by Invoice Number, or by client.
An Invoice is one of the most important documents that a business will have to deal with. It's important to be able to provide the necessary information to a client to minimise the chances of queries arising and delay in payment, and without an invoice a business will not get paid! Invoice Management is therefore a central and integral part of the day to day running of any business, whatever the size.
If you want further advice or details, call us on 01707 65 75 81, or view our
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