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Information Sharing

Information Sharing

Information Sharing - providing the necessary limitations.

All businesses need to share information; but as much as it is important that information is easily available across a business, so it is also important that only the right information is available to the right people within the business.

Business Management Software systems are the obvious central location from which to administer the sharing of information. Many medium size businesses have an intranet in place enabling the sharing of unstructured data - but what about the sharing of structured information stored within your business management system.

Two main factors need to be taken into account to facilitate this:

1. A sound and simple information sharing architecture.
2. A simple and secure authority structure.

By combining the two, your business management software will be able to grant access to different areas of your information system, based on the user who is accessing it.

If you get this right within your organisation, the positive impact on your business will be huge; you will not have one arm of your business unaware of what the arm is doing and communication overheads will be reduced to a minimum. The impact of staff holidays or absenses will also be reduced, because other staff members with the relevant security access will have available all the information they need to complete ongoing tasks in the absense of their colleague.

If you want further advice or details, call us on 01707 65 75 81, or view our [ contact details ].

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